Maddie Mccann Versus Santiago – 2 pesos & 2 medidas

É importante referir Maddie Mccann Versus Santiago – 2 pesos & 2 medidas destes processos envolvidos.

Gonçalo Amaral vai lançar novo livro “Maddie: Basta de Mentiras” no dia 13 de Outubro de 2021 no El corte Ingles, em Lisboa as 18h00. Este livro pode mencionar o meu filho Santiago como comparação a este caso da Maddie Mccann. Dois casos diferentes, onde num há alegado crime sem punição e no outro há punição sem crime!

Para ver o video basta clicar aqui ou na imagem em baixo.



Toda a gente ouviu falar no caso da menina Inglesa Maddie Mccann que desapareceu alegadamente na Praia da Luz, no Algarve em Portugal. Infelizmente, nem todos ouviram falar no caso do meu filho Santiago que foi roubado pelos serviços sociais Ingleses com apenas 5 dias de vida, para o negócio da adopção forçada.

Quando denunciei o caso em 2016, na comunicao social (Portuguesa, Inglesa, Espanhola, Alema, EUA, Brasil)  por necessidade na procura de justiça e de voz que não obtive em Inglaterra, desejei conhecer o ex- inspector da Policia Judiciaria Gonçalo Amaral. E esse momento aconteceu em 2016, numa estação de comboios. Nesse encontro Gonçalo Amaral referiu que no livro dele, que estava a escrever naquele momento, ia possivelmente mencionar o nosso filho Santiago. Ora, estes dois casos são de todo muito interessantes na sua comparação, porque mostra de dois pesos e duas medidas na forma como foram lidados em cada situação.

Assim, num caso temos alegadamente crime sem punição e no outro temos punição sem crime.

Se num caso, segundo o primeiro livro do Gonçalo Amaral houve alegadamente evidências ignoradas, tais como:

  • cães olfacto| cães sangue
  • DNA sangue
  • cabelos
  • testemunhos
  • falta de cooperação dos pais
  • rejeição em ser questionado

No entanto, os Serviços Sociais Ingleses nem os Portugueses retiraram os gémeos, irmãos da Madeleine Mccann, nem com futuro nem presente risco emocional.

Maddie Basta de Mentiras, livro de Goncalo Amaral

No entanto, no caso do meu filho Santiago há punição sem crime. O Juiz Justice Baker escreveu no julgamento de 28 de Abril 2016, que está no nosso processo:

“É importante ressaltar, no entanto, que nenhum tribunal fez quaisquer conclusões sobre as alegações das autoridades locais. Há um perigo muito real de que, ao continuar com sua actual campanha na internet, eles só alcancem o que afirmam estar tentando evitar – a separação permanente de seu filho.”

No processo, cujo falta transparência e legalidade onde o número de processo mudou 3 vezes, foi construído baseado em:

  • falsas alegações
  • meras opiniões
  • testemunhos impedidos em tribunal
  • disponibilidade para ser questionado mas nunca fomos ouvidos
  • avós ignorados

Devido a pressão mediática, fomos castigados e o processo judicial foi antecipado um mês , que ocorreu em tempo record. O Santiago foi roubado com 5 dias para estar privado da sua familia  e de todos os seus direitos. Desde o dia 4 de Março de 2016 que o Santiago está com paradeiro desconhecido.

Há assim dois pesos e duas medidas na actuação das autoridades, dependendo de quem são as famílias envolvidas nos processos judiciais envolvendo famílias.

O Santiago tem familia e quer o menino! Santiago amamos-te muito.

O seu comentario é bem vindo. Veja o video na integra e subscreva o canal para apoiar.

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3 thoughts on “Maddie Mccann Versus Santiago – 2 pesos & 2 medidas”

  1. Mais um excelente vídeo, parabéns pela tua incansável luta!
    Iolanda, sabias que também estão a fazer um filme sobre a história do Rui Pedro? Ao que me parece e a julgar pela divulgação dos media sobre ‘a iniciativa’, com muita baboseira à mistura, tipo ‘foram cometidos muitos erros no processo de investigação que não aconteceriam se o caso tivesse sido agora’?.
    A pobre e tão sofrida mãe Filomena foi entrevistada … a impressão com que eu fiquei foi que a senhora, de tanto sofrimento que já leva décadas, já perdeu um pouco o sentido de discernimento e não vê que a tragédia de que foi alvo vai mais uma vez ser aproveitada para controlo de danos – como o patético filme ‘Listen’ (feito só para tolos) em relação ao Santiago – e fonte de rendimento chorudo para muitos – os responsáveis pelo encobrimento do rapto ?

  2. Dear Iolanda & Leon

    Greetings! I thought I would check-in to see if there were any new developments! I think of you two now and then …
    Years ago, I bumped into Leon in Spain (area Suco) while waiting for a coach connection to Lisbon. I recognized him from a YouTube video about your snatched baby, Santiago. He was just as surprised! A good example of a Jung’s synchronicity or Bohm’s Holographic Universe. We chatted about Santiago and your predicament as parents, namely the subservience of the Portuguese authorities – including our President! Who cares!
    Deep breath!

    Sad to find, the child is still living with the strangers who bought him from the “authorities”! I think that was a serious infringement of Human Rights! Please read on (…)

    YES! Talk about double standards!
    Now in the UK we have the tragic case of a 6-year-old boy (Arthur) murdered by his alcoholic, drug addict step-mother with the connivance of his own father!
    The question is, given the history of all concerned – including the child’s mother, who is serving a sentence for murder – how come the so-called “authorities” did not intervene in this case – as they did with you for no obvious reason? A loving couple who loved their baby and had no history of violence, drug use and/or addiction. Go figure!

    OK, there was Leon involvement with the sale of MMS – a controversial alternative medicine substance but by no means illegal.
    Also, they would have needed evidence (proof) that Leon was giving it to Santiago. He wasn’t. There wasn’t any evidence.
    Given the circumstances, and a modicum of good will, the “authorities” could easily have asked you to reassure them that you would NOT do that to Santiago. They didn’t. They had other plans! Obviously (…)

    Now, it strikes me the 6-year-old boy (Arthur Labinjo-Hughes) murdered by his step-mother was not helped, perhaps because it was not worth the “authorities” time – and time, as you know, is money! I suspect that a 6-year-old would probably sell for much less than your baby did!? Maybe because it is difficult to trace a baby years later, so the buyer can have their fake son without the high risk of being exposed later and losing his love! You know what will happen when all is revealed! “You SNATCHED me from my mum and dad! You bastards!”

    Boris Johnson (the British PM) is talking about a NATIONAL inquiry into Arthur’s case! Well, time for you to remind Boris of the double standards that exist in his country! Who knows, he might listen – particularly if you threaten to bring his country to the attention of Human Rights organizations. I am absolutely sure that you have the legal right to know WHO has “adopted” your son – and to see him (if not, having him back). Be fully compensated by the crime that has been committed!

    While you are at it, send a copy to the President of the Republic of Portugal and its PM. Inform the Media …

    Incidentally, have you drawn the attention of Harry & Megan to your case? I would. See below:

    References e addresses:
    Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, PM
    House of Commons
    SW1A 0AA

    Phone: (+44) 020 7219 4682
    TRH Duke & Duchess of Sussex
    Clarence House
    London SW1A 1BA
    United Kingdom

    Because Harry & Meghan are now in the USA – and the letter may not be forwarded to them for a while (if at all) share your story with them at their website instead. Archewell it is called! Meghan in particular will be sensitive to your predicament as parents. I am sure!
    Harry & Meghan website:

    Another two contacts that might be of interest to you – in case you are not aware of them (you probably are).
    Here they are, anyway:


    Contact: Juliane Kippenberg
    Associate Director, Children’s Rights Division (UK/EU)

    This is just one based in the UK. There could be others. It just popped into sight as I was trying to locate “Human Rights Watch”. It could have been a “synchronicity” (…)

    “100% No Win, No Fee Claims. Nothing to pay if you lose”

    By doing what they did to defenceless Santiago – and you – the UK was in breach (violation) of Human Rights! It commited a crime! That much is pretty obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense who has read about your case – and noticed the sheer arrogance and conceit of the British SS.

    Parents’ rights are sacred – particularly in your case. You had not done nothing wrong. One or two peccadillos were perfectly understandable under the circunstances! The parents ought to be the ultimate authorithy over their children – not the State! Unless the child was at risk which was not the case. I can quite understand your initial reaction (it played into their hands). Initially there could have been a misunderstand but no one in the SS had the brain, the common sense to address and rectify it. For them was just a psychological game to “teach the bloody foreigner” (ethnical prejudice might have been at play). The SS then “went by the book”, made all kind of false assumptions and never looked back. I wonder what their commission was, if any. Maybe it was just sheer malevolence. Perhaps both.

    Do try the above tips if you haven’t done so already.
    Best of luck! I shall keep an eye on the case and send you other tips that I might come across.
    Keep up the good work.
    Never give up!

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