Launch Day

Launch day

Today is the Launch Day!

A year ago I launched the I love Santiago brand on Facebook.

Over the last month, I have been building my new website. I have done a lot of searching to find the best website platform and how to start a blog. I am very proud of myself. I will create a post sharing some tips that I have learned in the process.

My Baby Santiago is my inspiration and all I do is for him.

I believe that the best is yet to come.

I want to give strength and encourage others to feel happy. What is happening to my baby it could have been the end of me. But I decided it would not. And a decision has a lot of power. What I encourage everyone to do is never give up.

I believe in the power of Love. I choose Love.

I want to encourage others to believe as well.

I choose to not stay in a situation that does not help me mentally, emotionally neither spiritually. It is horrendous the crimes that are been done against children and families. The Heart is a very strong muscle, but a removal of a baby can actually kill a Mother. The heart tendons can be damaged with severe pain. I prefer to focus on the day that I will be reunited with my Santiago.

I do know that many people see me as a threat. But I know I have a lot of supporters. I feel very grateful to have you all with me. Thank you all!

All I want is to empower other families in the same situation.

I believe that I need to stand for my baby and give voice to him. I believe that I can create a change, and I do know that I have started a movement of families that have raised their standards and said NO MORE!

I believe that knowledge is power.

I believe that spreading love is the key!

I believe amazing things will happen in my journey!

I will be sharing with you my handmade items and much more to who subscribes to the Santiago’s VIP Club, a special newsletter. Now, that I have decided to blog, I will do my best to be very consistent.

This website exists thanks to 2 people, George and Leo. Thank you to you both.

If you want to follow me on social media please check out the sidebar. I would love your recommendations on new posts subjects and sewing projects. Please leave your opinion in the comments below for me to check out. To publish your support message on this website contact me here.


Thanks for reading,
Chat soon,




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